
[无损音乐] David Munyon -《Big Shoes》(鞋大)[FLAC][驴链]

专辑英文名: Big Shoes
专辑中文名: 鞋大
歌手: David Munyon
音乐风格: 民谣
资源格式: FLAC
发行时间: 2009年
地区: 美国
语言: 英语


最顶级的录音 最发烧的人声
Stockfisch唱片录音採用二十八位元的类比数位转换器、NAGRA-D等超发烧设备录制,并以B&W NAUTILUS 801进行鑑听。


虽然在欧洲两家唱片公司发行过许多唱片,但生於1952年的大卫孟洋却是个不折不扣的美国歌手。在十二岁接触吉他后,大卫与所有那个年代的年轻人一样喜爱詹姆斯泰勒、琼妮蜜雪儿、茱迪考琳丝、强尼凯许等歌手,也曾组成乐团、写歌、灌录几首没有发行的单曲等等。但是在母亲身亡后,大卫孟洋转向酒精寻求慰藉,酗酒可说完全断送了他原本可能起飞的歌唱生涯。为了戒酒大卫孟洋甚至选择从军,但在退伍之后他仍然沈迷酒精之中,直到读了尤迦南达的「一个瑜伽行者的自传」之后,他才深受感动,参加勒戒课程,从此不再饮酒。也在这时,他遇到生命中的伴侣,以笔名「S. P. Standley」与他共同写作的妻子。

在90年代他终於录制第一张专辑,虽然在美国没有太大的迴响,但这张专辑飘洋过海,在德国的Glitterhouse Records发行,并且由Stockfisch Records的创办人Gunter Pauler负责重新混音与母带处理,得到相当好的销售成绩,从此让大卫孟洋与德国结下不解之缘(很巧的,他当年从军就在德国服役),新专辑与巡迴演唱都在德国进行,不过平日他还是居住在阿拉巴马的家中。

名为「大鞋」的2009最新专辑居然收录了十六首翻唱作品,完全没有大卫孟洋自己的创作,难道这位歌手已经面临创作瓶颈?不过在看过曲目、听过他的演唱后,你必定会欣赏这次的「创举」。在三十多年的演唱功力加持下,大卫孟洋把这些自己喜爱的曲子詮释出自己的神韵,从头听到尾彷彿是一个穿越三十年的音乐旅程。从鲍伯狄伦、尼尔杨、汤姆佩提、凯特史蒂文斯、詹姆斯泰勒这些民谣歌手的作品,到披头四、布鲁斯史普林斯汀的摇滚抒情小品都有,最特别的是还翻唱了王子的摇滚经典「Purple Rain」。无论各种音乐风格,在他的詮释下就是充满个人特色,那沙哑的嗓音、精湛的吉他技巧让这些经典作品展现出新的生命力。

不能不提的当然还是Gunter Pauler与他的唱片制作团队,在他们的巧手录制下,大卫孟洋的歌声、吉他声都展现出特别丰润、饱满的质感,在高级音响上听起来有种迷人的风韵。经典的歌曲、精彩的演唱以及精致的制作,让这张专辑成为抒情民谣爱好者不可错过的优质选择!

01. Ol'55 55年老车
02. Who'll Stop The Rain 谁能让雨停
03. Imagine 想像
04. Sugar Mountain 糖山
05. Louisiana Rain 露易西安纳的雨
06. A Hard Rain's A-gonna Fall 要下大雨了
07. Father And Son 父与子
08. 500 Miles 离家五百哩
09. Purple Rain 紫雨
10. Hello In There 哈囉,里面的人
11. Forever Young 永远青春
12. Fire And Rain 火与雨
13. Yesterday 昨日
14. Angel From Montgomery 蒙歌美利来的天使
15. Atlantic City 亚特兰提克市
16. Industry 工业

Album: Big shoes
Künstler: David Munyon
Komponist: Waits, Fogerty, Young, Lennon, McCartney, Dylan, usw.
Jahr: 2009
Label: Stockfisch Records
Format: Audio-CD

Stockfisch Records releases the album "Big Shoes" featuring vocals by David Munyon. He sings folk and rock songs of his favorite musical heroes, such as "Purple Rain" by Prince, Sugar Mountain by Neil Young, Father And Son by Cat Stevens, Imagine by John Lennon, Ol´55 by Tom Waits, Forever Young by Bob Dylan and many more.

There are singers whose music reaches so deep down inside of us that we hardly believe that this could be possible. They break us apart, pacify us, wound us and heal us. To all the pain and the love, they lend their voice. To the uncertainty, the anticipation and the humility. To life, to enchantment and to death.

Such a singer is David Munyon. His song comes from a depth where all our songs have their roots. He sings with a voice as if it would come from another time. He plays the guitar as if it's sole purpose was created for his harmonies. Quiet, very quiet but enveloping, very enveloping.

• Produced and recorded by Gunter Pauler
• CD-PreMastering by Hans-Jorg Maucksch at Pauler Acoustics

big shoes 大鞋子/大履子

<老虎鱼>又一实力创作歌手大卫,缪雍(David munyon)阔别乐坛五年带来乐迷最期待之作,与我们分享他成长路上最钟爱的经典金曲包括[约翰,佛格堤"谁能让雨停住"(john fogerty "who'll stop the rain")],[约翰,列农:想象"(john lennon imagine")],[约翰,列农和保罗,麦卡尼"昨天"(ohn lennon/paul mccartney"yesterday")]等大卫,缪雍以铿锵醉人的吉他演奏"淳厚带点苍桑味道的歌声重新演绎16首耳熟能详的歌曲,由<老虎鱼>专业录音师精心制作,以B&W 80音箱监听,绝对贴近原音!

There are singers whose music reaches so deep down inside of us that we hardly believe that this could be possible. They break us apart, pacify us, wound us and heal us.

To all the pain and the love, they lend their voice. To the uncertainty, the anticipation and the humility. To life, to enchantment and to death.

Such a singer is David Munyon. His song comes from a depth where all our songs have their roots. He sings with a voice as if it would come from another time. He plays the guitar as if it's sole purpose was created for his harmonies. Quiet, very quiet but enveloping, very enveloping.

This man can delve deep into your soul when you experience him on his concerts. He lets it happen. He's like an open book. His biography reads like a novel. From coming and going. From believing and hoping. From success and losses. From defeat. From recovery. From survival.

Coinciding with David Munyon's European Tour in spring 2009, Stockfisch Records are releasing this new CD Album: “Big Shoes” where David Munyon sings folk and rock songs of his favourite musical heroes interpreted in his own unmistakable style.

David Munyon - vocal & guitar
Ian Melrose - acoustic & electric guitar, whistle, low whistle
Martin Huch - pedal steel, hollow neck guitar, dobro, electric guitar
Siard de Jong - violin, waldzither
Martin GroBkurth - hammond organ, memotron
Beo Brockhausen - mandolin, glockenspiel
Lea Morris - harmony vocals
Felix Godecke - chimes
Udo Weihrauch - banjo
Thomas Biller - upright bass
Hans-Jorg Maucksch - fretless bass
Grischka Zepf - electric bass
Ines Breuer - sound collage on „Industry


01. Ol' 55 (Tom Waits) .5:12
02. Who'll Stop The Rain (John Fogerty) .3:36
03. Imagine (John Lennon) .4:16
04. Sugar Mountain (Neil Young) .4:46
05. Louisiana Rain (Tom Petty) .4:58
06. A Hard Rain's A-gonna Fall (Bob Dylan) .6:55
07. Father And Son (Cat Stevens) .3:06
08. 500 Miles (Hedy West) .2:36
09. Purple Rain (Prince) .7:30
10. Hello In There (John Prine) .4:13
11. Forever Young (Bob Dylan) .3:47
12. Fire And Rain (James Taylor) .3:25
13. Yesterday (Lennon, McCartney) .3:17
14. Angel From Montgomery (John Prine) .4:51
15. Atlantic City (Bruce Springsteen) .4:47
16. Industry (Lee Clayton) .9:20

Total Time 76:44


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