
[欧美] [流行] [无损音乐] Carla Bruni -《Little French Songs》(微醺法国 )[FLAC][242.43 MB][ed2k]


专辑英文名: Little French Songs
专辑中文名: 微醺法国
歌手: Carla Bruni
音乐风格: 流行
资源格式: FLAC
发行时间: 2013年04月13日
地区: 法国
语言: 法语

* 前法国第一夫人告别政治舞台后首张大碟,空降法国流行专辑榜亚军
* 坐拥三张法国流行专辑榜冠军作,获得法国音乐奖「最佳女艺人」以及法国SACEM学会颁发鼓励新进歌曲创作家的Prix Raoul Breton大奖
* 灌录法文、义大利文与英文三种语言歌曲,融合流行乐、民谣、法国传统流行乐与异国风情乐音的唱作
卸下法国第一夫人的光环,Carla Bruni重返音乐舞台,在她的第4张专辑【Little French Songs】中,带著自然流露的率真情感歌声,穿梭於一幕幕触动心弦、吹动心湖的醉人场景,诉说著如梦似幻却又善变任性的爱情故事。专辑发行首週空降法国流行专辑榜亚军。
Carla Bruni坐拥3张法国流行专辑榜冠军作品,获得法国歌曲创作家与作曲家学会SACEM颁发鼓励新进歌曲创作家的大奖Prix Raoul Breton,以及法国音乐奖「最佳女艺人」大赏。在【Little French Songs】专辑中,她绽放多采多姿的音乐活力,不仅灌录法文、义大利文与英文三种语言歌曲,乐风更是融合流行乐、民谣、法国传统流行乐以及异国风情乐音。
专辑中歌曲装载著宛如水彩画的美丽奇想,还有像是以不透明水彩进行彩绘的水粉画般的华丽浪漫,也有感觉神似粉蜡笔画法般温柔的真情告白。其中有8首歌曲出自Carla Bruni的创作手笔,包括:她写给自己崇拜的摇滚乐团The Rolling Stones吉他手Keith Richards与义大利时尚名模Anita Pallenberg这对恋人的"Chez Keith et Anita";与风靡法国乐坛超过40年的歌手好友Julien Clerc合写,抒发内心疑虑的"Prière";省思婚姻生活的"Mon Raymond";悼念亲密友人的"Darling";Bruni同时将萧邦著名的圆舞曲填上歌词谱写成"La valse posthume"。
Bruni直率的表示,随著岁月的增长,自己的歌声在此张专辑中变得更加深沉动人,增添许多源自於心灵深处的情感,甚至尝试了一些更为开放的唱法,像是带点抨击意味的"Pas une dame",将内在感受全盘托出的"Le pingouin",彷彿潺潺水流柔情低语的"Little French Song"。一如往常,专辑的演唱部分都是Bruni在夜深人静时於家中录音室所录制。
editor rating 3 1/2 Stars
release date April 16, 2013
duration 33:57
genre Pop/Rock International
styles French French Pop Western European Traditions
Audio CD (April 16, 2013)
Original Release Date: 2013
Number of Discs: 1
Label: Verve
ASIN: B00BD62X14
[-] by Thom Jurek
Little French Songs is Carla Bruni's first album since 2008's Comme Si de Rien N'Etait, and her first outing as France's former first lady. Reception in the English-speaking press on the European side of the Atlantic has been middling at best, while in France the album has been greeted with more enthusiasm. The truth may lie somewhere in between for most, but for those with at least a working knowledge of the French chanson tradition, both in its formal sense and through its various revolutionary phases, they will find that most of this fits squarely inside it (though that knowledge is not necessary to enjoy the album). One can hear Bruni's love of artists from Georges Brassens and Charles Trénet to Pierre Barouh and Serge Gainsbourg in these simple yet elegant tunes. She wrote most of the album herself. Its economic production is driven by a nylon-string guitar in the forefront, adorned by some sparse brass here, a minimal harmonium or Wurlitzer there, a drum or percussion elsewhere. On "Mon Raymond," she celebrates her husband Nicolas Sarkozy while utterly -- and comedically -- humanizing him. By contrast, she wryly skewers his successor French President François Hollande ("Le Pingouin") as boring and without personality -- indulging in sass befitting Brigitte Fontaine. Her breezy yet moving adaptation of Trénet's nugget "Dolce Francia" contains a spoken word introduction with Taofik Farah's guitar and Ballake Sissoko's kora atop a breezy violincello and shakers. She makes this classic her own. "Prière," a co-write between Bruni and Julien Clerc, channels Brassens' inspiration in her own idiosyncratic way. One can hear Barouh and Gainsbourg in the Caribbean-cum-samba rhythmic twist in "Chez Keith et Anita." It's a clever song about finding peace and quiet at the home of Keith Richards and former girlfriend Anita Pallenberg circa 1970 -- Marianne Faithful is apparently also there, smelling of vanilla. Sissoko also appears on the lithe, beautiful "Liberté" near the set's end. This is not a political song -- at least not in the usual sense. Here, as chanson meets the bohemian cafe, freedom is tender, bittersweet, and regarded through the gaze of memory. Little French Songs is exactly what it says it is. Bruni's songwriting is deceptive in its limpid simplicity, full of reverie, wit, and the directness of her breathy voice, which is well traveled but contains delight at its heart.

01. J'arrive a Toi
02. Chez Keith et Antia
03. Priere
04. Mon Raymond
05. Dolce Francia
06. Pas une Dame
07. Darling
08. La Valse Posthume (Version Courte)
09. Little French Song
10. Liberte
11. Le Pingouin



发帖时间:2013-06-30 11:59:58   |   回复数:1
2013-7-10 #2楼