
[] [图文杂烩] BohemialtheAuthorsHearts Profile on Quizilla

latest journal entrymarch 11, 2012hey dudes,tn, look at meh. i be back,tn pas cher! so hey kiddies, how have ya been? i've been off this site for a long
ass time, and now here i am.
i've been missin ya all,nike tn pas cher, but i've been good.
here's a bit of a list of things that have happened:
1. found somene i'm spending the rest of my life with. i love you adam
2. wrote a full-length novel in 30 days. because i'm epic like dat.
3. realized i'm a lil overly full of myself
4. made some totally sick pals
5. got addicted to a site known as chatango. i be bohemial, so hit meh up if yew wanna.
6. gotten mah lil heart broken more times than i can count
7. used n abused by guys world wide
8. aaaaand.......i am freaking loving high school.
well that oughta be it,air max tn, so dudes message meh. i'm missin ya!
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发帖时间:2012-03-30 17:31:38   |   回复数:1
2012-3-30 #2楼